Activities How to Get Involved

Book Discussion Group

Our small group is currently reading and discussing the book "THE GIFT OF YEARS -- Growing Older Gracefully"  by Joan Chittister.  It provides considerable insight into the various stages of our lives and on dealing with the many factors that will affect us as we age.

"There are, gerontologists tell us, three stages of "old" in our society.  There are the young old, sixty-five to seventy-four years old; the old old, seventy-five to eighty-four; and the oldest old, at eighty-five years and over.  All these stages have some things in common---and each of them faces specific issues at the same time." Joan Chittister.

We discuss a broad range of topics; Regrets, Wisdom, Sadness, Ageism, Adjustments, Relationships, Religion and Faith are only a few.

We have some deep discussions and numerous opinions!