Leading With Care Ensuring a climate of safety

Photos and Videos

Photos are a powerful communication tool. Just as you enjoy taking and sharing images of your family and friends, those attending Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church want to safely share photos of our activities with our members and with the larger community.

While some people believe that worship and church programs are public activities, others consider the church as the only place where they can safely make themselves vulnerable before God and other community members. We have a media policy that allows us to invite and welcome disciples to God’s house and to protect them from unwelcome intrusions on their privacy as they go through the sometimes uncomfortable process of becoming apostles.  

In other cases, we welcome people from countries where going to church may be a dangerous activity. We want to create a safe environment while they are learning about the Christian faith. 

We ask you to refrain from taking photos or filming videos during worship services. For other activities, please ensure that you ask others if they mind being photographed. And, of course, do not post any photos or videos of others unless they have given you permission to do so.

Photo Permission Form
Confirm the conditions under which Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church may use your image.
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