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December 28, 2023

Sunday Worship Services 

Orders of Service December 31, 2023 

Theme: Christmas - Jesus Presented in the Temple

Gathering Music - Chorong Shin
Hymn # 141 - Good Christians, all rejoice
Call to worship 
Lighting the Christ Candle and the Second Candle
Prayer of Adoration and Confession
Assurance of Pardon
Hymn #160 - Unto us a child is born
Children’s Time
Scripture: Luke 2:25-38, 1 Peter 1:3-7, Romans 8:22-28
Sermon “Christian hope” Elias Lim
Hymn #462 - All my hope on God is founded
Prayers of the People
Hymn #811 - Standing at the portal
Blessing and Benediction
Sung Response #812 Glory to God
Sending music


  It has been a busy few weeks for the Refugee Committee. The Christmas Concert on the 15th was extremely well attended and based on comments and smiles on their faces as folks left for home, it was enjoyed by everyone. Lots of chocolates were sold at the Concert, both before and after the event. Just over $1700.00 was raised for the Refugee Fund. We have to thank those who stayed late to clean up Friday night so the church would be presentable for the Sunday service. The lunch on Sunday 17th was also a big hit. There was lots of chatter and laughter. Our refugee couple were on hand to receive the Christmas card which had been circulating.  We hope everyone had an opportunity to sign it. This was their first Christmas in Canada so everything was new to them. They particularly enjoyed the Christmas lights and as you saw from the photo cards, the Festival of Lights display at Van{Dusen Gardens. Elaha has successfully completed the first part of her English language course. The improved competence and confidence in her conversations are very noticable.  Her next level course starts in early January and she is already looking forward to starting her Basic Accounting course after that. More cards and chocolate were sold at the 10am Christmas Eve service. Hopefully those who needed to top up their chocolate supplies were able to do so. The beautiful new additions to the range of photo cards also sold quite well. They will make a nice addition to your note paper and stationery supply.Please let us know if you would like to purchase more of these greeting cards.As we approach the end of an amazing year for the KPC/VTPC Refugee Committee, the members wish you a Safe and Healthy New Year and hope that every one had a Very Blessed  Christmas.