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September 12, 2024

Get to know our groups and ministries

Sepember is a great time to join a groups.  One of the best ways we can grow together as a church family, is to connect, learn and serve together. We have all sorts of opportunities and there are lots of ways to get involved. All groups welcome your participation. Please contact any of the following people for more information.

Leading with care - Susan Stacey
Finance and Maintenance Committee - Paul Cameron
Coffee and Fellowship - Paul Cameron Jane Chou
Bible Study - (every 2nd week) - Stanley Yen
Choir - (Saturday mornings) - Chang Hwa Kim
Knitting Group - Helen Anderson
Janet Thomson Group - (lunch 2nd Tuesday of month)- Joan Porter
Men's Breakfast Group - (monthly, Saturday morning) - Kiejoon Kim
G3 - (twice per month) - Bill and Marg Buschman
Refugee Sponsorship Committee - (1x / month)- Helen McDonald
Weekly Worship Service Opportunities
Sunday School - Joan Porter
Scripture readers - Margaret Hume
Audio/Visual Team - Emilio Rodriguez
Welcoming Team - Susan Stacey

We now plan to start Pastoral Care group. If you like to spend time talking with or visit with people please let me know.



It's time to let us know your thoughts - Deadline September 30

I am grateful for the responses we have recieved to date but I'm hoping to hear from so many more. Please take time to take the survey. It's important to hear from you. 

Click this link to take the survey:

Or pick up a paper copy at worship on Sunday's or from the the church office during the week. Completed forms (online or paper copy) will be accepted any time until Monday September 30th

Thanks for making an effort to participate!

In Christ, 

Join us at KPC for Weekly Worship 

Order of Service September 15, 2024 

Theme: Jesus and Forgiveness Part 3 of 4
“Who is to condemn? It is Christ Jesus, who died, yes, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us.” Romans 8:34

                                   Gathering Music                                   
Hymn #438 When morning gilds the skies
Call to worship and Lighting of the Christ Candle
Prayer of Adoration and Confession
Assurance of Pardon
Children’s Time
Hymn  - Halle, Halle, Halle
Scripture: Psalm 116:1-9; John 8:1b-11
Sermon “Moving past the condemnation” 
Anthem - Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God (John Carter)
Prayers of the People
Hymn - How deep the Fathers love
Blessing and Benediction
Sung Response – Go now in peace (Don Besig)
Sending music

Upcoming Events

  • Games, Giggles and Gab - Today 2-3:30 pm
  • KPC Regular Choir Practice  Saturdays, 10:30 am to noon
  • Rachel Wei & Friends Benefit Concert - 
    Friday, September 27, 7 pm
  • KPC men's breakfast 8:30 am - Saturday, Oct 5, 2024
  • Janet Thomson Group Meeting - Tuesday, Oct 8, noon

G-3 (Games, Giggles and Gab) TODAY

G-3 (Games, Giggles and Gab) will meet at Crofton Manor on Thursday,  12 Sept from 2 - 3:30 pm.Join us for a fun time with the residents.For more information contact Marg or Bill Buschman through the church office. Phone at 604-261-1434 or email

KPC regular choir practice this Saturday, September 14, 2024, from 10:30 a.m. until noon. If you are interested in participating in the music ministry, please send Chang Hwa an email at

Ratanak’s Road to Freedom Challenge

Pannha lived in a rural village in Cambodia. At 17 years old, she found herself pregnant and unexpectedly widowed. Her family worried about her future and the extra strain on their meagre income. Then a stranger approached her parents with a solution. If Panha married a wealthy man in China, he promised to send money to support her family. Her parents agreed to send Panha after she gave birth. Thankfully, Ratanak reached Panha before that fateful day arrived!. The Community Heroes Prevention Program, which Ratanak is partnering with, taught Panha how to recognize grooming techniques that lead to human trafficking and sexual abuse. Prevention education rescued Panha just in time, helping her reject the broker’s offer and share her experience to raise awareness in her community.

Next week Anahita Hirmanpour (, Ramesh Mardani ( and Marg Buschman will walk 5 km. to raise money for this important work. Please note that Marg's link isn’t included. That’s because after seven years of experience raising funds for Ratanak, she’s already reached her goals. She would like those who haven’t yet donated to click on either Ramesh's or Anahita's link to support them. Please give today and help prevent trafficking in Cambodia. A huge thanks to those who have already donated.


KPC men's breakfast will be held at 8:30 a.m., Sat., Oct. 5, 2024, in the KPC church hall (on the north side of the church parking lot).  The speaker will be Paul Thiessen of Union Gospel Mission in Vancouver, who will speak about UGM's work in downtown eastside.  Please let our minister Richard Watson, or Kiejoon Kim know if you are coming.  You can also put your name down on the sign-up sheet at the church narthex on Sunday mornings.  

 Donations received at the Oct. 5 men's breakfast meeting will go to UGM.  If writing a cheque, please make the donation in favour of Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church, along with a note in the memo line saying, "for Union Gospel Mission in Vancouver."

The Rachel Wei and Friends Benefit Concert for the Refugee Sponsorship Fund will be held on Friday 27 Sept at 7 pm. This is a very important fundraiser so we are hoping for a large turnout to show support and encouragement for Rachel and Friends as well as for the Refugee Committee.  The performances by her young Friends will be warmly anticipated.

Tickets will be offered for sale after the Sunday Services for the next few Sundays. They are $25.00 each and can also be purchased at the door or online using e-transfer to  Please specify "Refugee Concert" in the message box. The e-tickets will be sent via email. Be sure to specify how many tickets you are purchasing. Any portion of the payment exceeding the price of $25.00 per ticket will be considered as a charitable donation.  Donations over $20.00 will qualify for a tax receipt which will be sent out at the end of the year.  Be sure to provide your postal and email address to ensure you get the receipt. You can also donate directly to the Refugee Sponsorship Fund using the KPC website via