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May 2, 2024

 Traffic Reminder - Worship Hour changed this Sunday only

Dear friends,

This Sunday, May 5th, watch out for road closures due to the BMO Vancouver Marathon. From 8 to 10 am most of Cambie Street and 49th Avenue cannot be crossed. We have changed our worship time to help you find your way through (to 11 am). Still, this may affect your ability to get to church on time so please plan ahead. Click here for all the information or have a look at this map for access to Kerrisdale on the West Side.

Please be prepared and enjoy the scenery of runners and cheers along the way!

Join us at KPC for Weekly Worship 


Order of Service May 5, 2024 

Kerrisdale長老教會 暨 溫哥華台灣基督長老教會 聯合禮拜

Gathering Music 奏樂

Welcome 歡迎

Verse for Reflection經文反思:I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.   (Philipians 1:6)                                               

Hymn #299 Holy, Holy, Holy (Verses 1,2,&4)

Announcements and Offering 報告及奉獻

Call to Worship and Lighting the Christ candle 宣召及點燭

Prayers of Adoration and Confession 認罪祈禱

Assurance of Pardon 赦罪的確信

Sharing of Peace 請安  
The Peace of Christ be with you. 願基督的平安與你同在。
All會眾齊聲: And also with you. 也與你相及佇啲。

Children’s time 兒童信息

Anthem 獻詩  Amen, Amen (arranged by L. Larson)

Readings from the Bible: 聖經   
John 17:11,18-24; Philippians 1:3–11 Ephesians 4:1-6

Sermon: “Living with the Truth”       Rev. Richard Watson

Hymn Christ Is Risen Shout Hosanna 

Invitation to Communion 聖餐邀請

Hymn #548 Let us Break Bread Together
聖詩 相及擘餅咱同心來跪落

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving (#564 of hymn book) 感恩祈禱

Celebration of Communion 恭守聖餐

Hymn TW聖詩 #399 May the Love of the Lord 願上主大仁愛

Benediction 祝禱,Sung Amen 阿門頌

Sending Music 殿樂


Upcoming Events

  • Dr. Stefan Paas CML public lecture - Friday, May 3, 7 p.m.
  • Men’s Breakfast - Saturday, May 4
  • Potluck Lunch this Sunday- May 5 (Following Worship)
  • Games, Giggles and Gab - Thursday, May 9, 2-3:30 p.m.
  • KPC Spring Fair - Saturday, May 18


There will be joint choir practices for KPC and VTPC on Sat., Ap. 27 and May 4 (from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon) in preparation for the joint service on Sun., May 5.  If there are any questions, please contact Chang Hwa Kim ( 

CML Public Lecture 

Centre for Missional Leadership at St. Andrew's Hall PresentsIn most Western nations, including Canada, the church has become small. The number of active Christians has dropped under 15% in most countries. In many locations, it is even less than that. What does this mean for a missionary religion like Christianity? How is it possible to be ‘missional’ in a context where very few people are interested in ‘God’ issues?Join us in person at Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church on Friday, May 3rd 7 pm or join us online for this public lecture with Dr. Stefan Paas where he will explore the missional identity and spirituality for Christian minorities in post-Christian contexts. Register Here - you can also just show up in person! 

KPC men's breakfast fellowship meeting--8:30 a.m., Sat., May 4, 2024--at the church hall (on the north side of the church parking lot). 

All are welcome. The guest speaker will be Stan Yen who will speak on his life and faith journey.  Any donations received at this meeting will go towards KPC's Around the Well ministry. Please let our minister Richard Watson or Kiejoon Kim know if you are coming to this meeting.  You may also write your names on a sign-up sheet in the church narthex.



The Joint Church Service (KPC/VTPC) will start at 11 AM because of road closures for the BMO Vancouver Marathon.It has been a wild time for the Refugee Committee members and the volunteers.KPC/VTPC partners are busy with preparations for the Potluck. This will be a celebration of the successes with our first sponsorship and of some coincidences. It will be a Meet and Greet with Tamim and Elaha which happens to fall on the anniversary of their arrival in Vancouver!An enormous THANK YOU to the volunteers bringing food. Please bring it directly to the Church Hall and identify if your dish is Halal.  We will have tableware (cups, glasses, cutlery, etc) available but in an effort to minimize waste and cleanup efforts afterward, we ask people to bring their own if possible.Everyone is invited to attend this celebration whether you are bringing something or not. The important part is your presence. We don’t think anyone will go away hungry!  Remember the date, Sunday, May 5, in the Church Hall after the Service.


VST will hold its 2024 convocation on May 7th, 2024 at 7 p.m. at Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church!  

The speaker for the event will be Prof Norman Wirzba, Professor of Christian Theology, Senior Fellow at the Kenan Institute for Ethics and Director of the Office of Climate and Sustainability at Duke Divinity School and University.  His address is entitled: Loving the World that God Loves

Mr. Michael Francis will receive an honouary DD for his faithful and effective leadership in theological education, as Chair of the VST Board for over 9 years, and for his leadership in education and culture in the province of British Columbia.  

An update on the activities of the school and prospects for the future will be offered by the President.

Twenty-four graduates will receive degrees and diplomas.  We will acknowledge The Rev. Andria Irwin, winner of the President’s 2024 Thoughtful, Engaged and Generous (TEG) Christian Leader Award.  You are most welcome to attend this joyous occasion. Faculty and students share in the leadership of the service and there will be special music directed by VST’s Musician-in-Resident, Lonnie Delisle.  It is especially delightful when the students see staff who have supported them through their time as VST in attendance.  Four students will receive the Sauder Certificate in Leadership Excellence.

Please join VST in person at Kerrisdale Presbyterian Church or livestream on
A light reception will follow.


G-3  (Games, Giggles and Gab)
Join the G-3 group at Crofton Manor on Thursday, May 9, from 2:00 to 3:30 pm for games. 
Contact Marg or Bill Buschman for more information.We all really enjoy our time together. 

Our Spring Fair is scheduled for Saturday, May 18.  Preparations are well underway. Posters will be available for the asking at the church entrance. The Refugee Committee will appreciate any help in posting them to advertise our Spring Fair. Please contact Marg Buschman or Rachelle Czerwinski if you are willing to help spread the word. A number of businesses have already made donations.

Your donated Fair items can be brought to church and placed in the storage area in the balcony. If you are unable to get your items to the balcony, they can be placed on the table in the Narthex and we will get them moved upstairs later.

For anyone hit with a sudden attack of the munchies at the Fairwe will be selling variety of sandwiches and cold drinks along with tea and coffee for those of us who need a TEA or COFFEE FIX. There will also be a bake sale table with various goodies to enjoy at home.A balloon artist will display his artistry at the Fair. From 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm he will be on the front lawn. He will then continue to entertain in the hall.  Kids of all ages are welcome! I know of at least one older, silver-haired "kid" who will be making a beeline for the balloons!  Be warned, don't get between her and the balloon man!

United Voices Choir is thrilled to present Bach’s magnificent masterpiece, the Mass in B Minor, with orchestra and soloists, and directed by Dr Greg Caisley.

The Mass in B Minor is regarded as one of the world’s greatest pieces of classical music and is a testament to Bach’s unparalleled talent. Weaving intricate polyphony and rich harmonic textures into a sublime tapestry, this remarkable work   demonstrates the composer’s extraordinary skill and invention. With powerful choruses, complex fugues, elegant solos and operatic duets, each movement shows his exceptional mastery of form and expression.

Crafted by Bach at the end of his life and at the peak of his genius, the Mass draws on music created during 25 years of Bach’s life. To perform such a monumental work is on the bucket list of almost every classical chorister and is a 'must hear' for all music lovers! 

We invite you to come and immerse yourself in the timeless brilliance of Bach's musical legacy!

Tickets at $30 for adults and $15 for 18 years and younger can be purchased at or by clicking on the links below, or can be purchased at the door using cash or credit card.

Saturday concert URL:

Sunday concert URL: