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Week of September 7, 2023

Sunday September 10 Following Worship

 Dear Friends of KPC,

Summer is almost over and it's time to start the new school year. We are thrilled to invite you to our first church potluck of the year, taking place on Sunday September 10th following worship (about 11:30) in the Church Hall. This joyful gathering is an opportunity for us to reconnect, share delicious homemade dishes, and strengthen our faith community.

Please bring your favorite dish to share, along with an appetite for good food, warm conversation, and spiritual nourishment. We encourage you to invite friends and family to join us in this celebration of fellowship and unity. We are also looking for help with set up. Please contact Richard or Droma to let us know if you are able to help or bring something.

We look forward to seeing you there!

In Christ,

Richard and KPC leadership team


September 12, Tuesday, 12 p.m. @ KPC Lounge

Please bring your lunch and enjoy the fellowship for the Janet Thomson Group's monthly meeting. 
All are welcome!


 On Sept. 16 Ratanak will hold their annual fund-raising event to rescue and restore hope to Cambodians who have managed to escape the distress and terror of human trafficking and exploitation.  Marg Buschman and Ramesh Mardani plan to do the 5K walk to support Ratanak. The Boname family, Charles, Vanessa, and Amelia will do the 50K bike ride for Ratanak. It doesn’t matter which of them you choose to support, but please donate if you can. A big thank you to those who have already donated. To donate, please enter in your browser address line. Then click on DONATE, which appears in the top, right corner of the page.  You may have to scroll down to find the search box where you type in the individual’s name. Select the amount you wish to donate and click NEXT.  A tax receipt will be issued in February 2024 for donations of $15.00 or more. Wednesday, September 13 at 7:30 p.m.Dear Bible Study Class members, I trust you have all had a relaxing summer and are ready to resume Bible studies. This fall, we will continue our studies in the book of Luke, resuming where we left off in June. Classes will be held on Zoom or by phone connection once every two weeks, on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. About a week before each class, I will send out a set of preparatory questions for you to consider before the class. Roughly one class every 2 months will be a video or a lesson on church history. We will start next Wednesday, September 13  at 7:30 pm, with a slideshow astronomy lecture on Zoom, given by your Bible study leader. Those who are not interested in astronomy can join the regular Bible study classes on September 27. I will send out a reminder and the Zoom connection information closer to the date of the class. Please inform me by e-mail if you wish to be deleted from the class list. I look forward to studying the Bible with you again this fall. Sincerely,Stan Yen KPC Men's breakfast--8:30 a.m., Sat., Sept. 30, at the KPC church hall (on the north side of the church parking lot)The speaker will be Dr. Rev. Tali Hsieh of Vancouver Taiwanese Presbyterian Church.  He will speak on his faith journey and the Christian church in Taiwan.Donations received at this breakfast meeting will go to the Union Gospel Mission in Vancouver.If you are coming to this breakfast meeting, please notify Rev. Richard Watson or Kiejoon Kim.  Also, you can put your names down on the sign-up sheet at the church narthex. 

How time flies! It is already four months since Tamim and Elaha arrived in Vancouver.  There have been some hiccups in the processing but these are now largely behind them and they are adapting to their new culture.

Elaha will be celebrating her first birthday in Canada. 

Tamim and Elaha have registered and been accepted into the English language training program.

Elaha becomes a full-time student next week and Tamim, because of his work schedule, will take the online course starting later this month.

There has not been mention of Tamim’s work as a Drywall Installer recently. Typically there is a probationary period to determine if an individual is suitable and it does not always work out.

Well, there is great news on that front. Tamim’s employer has offered him an apprenticeship! This is a good indication of the quality of his work.  As part of this program, his employer has to commit to paying his salary for any classroom time required for the apprenticeship. It is also a great indication of Tamim’s long-term employment prospects.

Well done Tamim! And Happy Birthday Elaha.


 Join us this Sunday!