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September 14, 2023

Upcoming Events

  • G3 - Games, Giggles and Gab Fridays 2 p.m.
  • Choir Practice - Saturday, September 16, 10:30 a.m.
  • Book discussion group - Saturday, September 16, 4:00 p.m.
  • Bible Study group - Wednesday, September 27, 7:30 p.m
  • Men's breakfast group - Saturday, September 30, 8:30 a.m. 

We will be starting up a new Knitting and Crocheting Group. Those interested whether you are just a beginner or an experienced knitter, all are welcome.

Please speak to either Helen Anderson or Robyn Laidlaw, we can discuss a convenient place and time to meet.

More information to follow.


Friday, September 15, 2 p.m.

G-3 seems to have achieved its goals.

We had GAMES -- Dominos and Scrabble.
We had GIGGLES -- lots of them along with good belly laughs.   
We had GAB -- lots of that too. 

Various kids attended. Their enthusiastic participation was a real bonus. Our mascot, Giggles, also attended.

School has started again so the kids will not be attending on Fridays making this a good time for a review.  
Will we continue with Friday afternoons or will we pick a different day or time?

Are you interested in joining the group but the current day or time is not suitable? Email us at Let us know what day and time works. We will try to accommodate the majority.

Many thanks to the adults and kids who have made Friday afternoons fly by way too quickly!

Bill and Marg Buschman

The KPC choir practices will resume on Saturday, September 16 at 10:30 a.m. Those who are interested in singing, or playing an instrument, please speak to Chang Hwa after the service.  New choir members are welcome! 


On Sept. 16 Ratanak will hold their annual fund-raising event to rescue and restore hope to Cambodians who have managed to escape the distress and terror of human trafficking and exploitation.  

Marg Buschman and Ramesh Mardani plan to do the 5K walk to support Ratanak. The Boname family, Charles, Vanessa, and Amelia will do the 50K bike ride for Ratanak. It doesn’t matter which of them you choose to support, but please donate if you can. A big thank you to those who have already donated. 

To donate, please enter in your browser address line. Then click on DONATE, which appears in the top, right corner of the page.  You may have to scroll down to find the search box where you type in the individual’s name. Select the amount you wish to donate and click NEXT.  A tax receipt will be issued in February 2024 for donations of $15.00 or more. 

Bible Study

Join us  - Wednesday September 27,  at 7:30 p.m.

This fall, we will continue our studies in the book of Luke, resuming where we left off in June. 

Classes will be held on Zoom or by phone connection once every two weeks, on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. About a week before each class, Stanley Yen will send out a set of preparatory questions for you to consider before the class. Roughly one class every 2 months will be a video or a lesson on church history. I will send out a reminder and the Zoom connection information closer to the date of the class. 

Please inform me by e-mail if you wish to be deleted from the class list. If you want to join our group please let me know (just email I look forward to studying the Bible with you again this fall. 


Stan Yen


KPC Men's breakfast--8:30 a.m., Sat., Sept. 30, at the KPC church hall (on the north side of the church parking lot)

The speaker will be Dr. Rev. Tali Hsieh of Vancouver Taiwanese Presbyterian Church.  He will speak on his faith journey and the Christian church in Taiwan.

Donations received at this breakfast meeting will go to the Union Gospel Mission in Vancouver.

If you are coming to this breakfast meeting, please notify Rev. Richard Watson or Kiejoon Kim.  Also, you can put your names down on the sign-up sheet at the church narthex. 

KPC Weekly Worship at 10 AM

Order of Service September 17, 2023 

Sermons Series - The Road to Freedom Part 3 - Forgiveness

And in anger his lord handed him over to be tortured until he would pay his entire debt. So my heavenly Father will also do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart.
Matthew 18:34,35

Gathering Music                                   
Hymn – Here in This Place Gather Us In
Call to Worship and Lighting of the Christ Candle
Prayer of Adoration and Confession
Assurance of Pardon
Children’s Time
Hymn #201 We come to ask your forgiveness
Scripture: Exodus 34:1–10; Matt 18:21-35
Sermon “Forgiveness: It’s that important” Rev. Richard Watson
Hymn #774 God forgave my sin 
Prayers of the People
Hymn #461 Be thou my vision
Blessing and Benediction
Sung Response – Go now in peace (Don Besig and Nancy Price)
Sending music

 Office Hours